2025 Sermon Schedule -- Rev. Greg Wiest
Theology 101 Series
1/5 Your Brother's Birthday, Matthew 1:1-16, Rev. Edd Cathey guest pastor
1/12 Who is Jesus? Phillipians 2:6-11
1/19 Who is the Holy Spirit? John 16:7-15
1/26 What is the Trinity? Matthew 28:19, 3:16-17
2/2 Is there Free Will? Joshua 24:15
2/9 Can you lose your Salvation? John 10:28:29
2/16 What happens when we die? Luke 16:31
2/23 Guest speaker TBD
3/2 Why do bad things happen to good people? Romans 8:28
Portrait of Jesus Series
3/9 Jesus the Revolutionary, Luke 4:18-19
3/16 Power Over Evil, Luke 4:33-36
3/23 Jesus the Healer, Luke 5:12-14
3/30 Power Over Death, Luke 7:11-17
4/6 Worthy of Worship, Luke 7:36-50
Holy Week and Easter (See below)
4/27 The Road to Emmaus, Luke 24:13-32
holy week and easter
4/13 Palm Sunday, Luke 19:28-42
4/17 Maundy Thursday, Luke 22:8-23
4/18 Good Friday, Luke 23: 26-49
4/20 Easter, Luke 24:1-12
The Church in the 21st century
5/4 Living in Excile, Jeremiah 29: 4-14
5/11 Uncorrupted, Daniel 1
5/18 Uncompromised, Daniel 3:1-27
5/25 On Mission, Acts 1:7-8
6/1 Together as One, Acts 2:42-47
6/8 Pentecost The Spirit Searches, 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
6/15 Persecution, Acts 8:1-3
6/22 Reaching Out to Enemies, Acts 9:1-19
6/29 Persecution, Acts 17:1-4
When god Doesn't Make Sense
7/6 Why Does God Allow Suffering?, James 1:1-8
7/13 Why Does God Allow Evil to Exist?, Romans 1:18-25
7/20 Why Does God Send People to Hell?, Revelation 21:8
7 27 Can God Redeem a Hard Life? Joel 2:25