We are here to help

  • Deacon's Caring Ministry

    Mission Statement:    To minister to those in need, to the sick, to the friendless and to any who may be in distress within the Lewes Presbyterian Church community of faith. 

    Responsibility of the Board of Deacons’ Caring Ministry:

    • Oversee the activities of our Pastoral Assistant, Denise Barnes, in the ministry role of reaching members and friends of our congregation. 
    • Provide follow up prayers, visits, cards, phone calls, meals and transportation, as needed, by the Care Ministry Team in coordination with the Pastoral Care Coordinator.
    • Provide hospital visits by the Pastor and the Pastoral Assistant. The church membership is divided among the care of a specific deacon to assist with any needs. 
    • Oversee funeral receptions with assistance from the food coordinators. 
    • Oversee the funds provided to the Deacon Caring Ministry team by the Endowment Committee. 
    • Assist the Pastor in serving Communion at the 8:00 service. 
    • Assist the setup of the refreshment table each Sunday morning. 
    • Provide camp scholarships to children attending a Christian summer camp each June.
  • Intercessory Prayer Group

    Lewes Presbyterian Intercessory Prayer group meets weekly on Mondays from 10:00-11:00 a.m. at the church. Prayer and praise are offered for the needs of our congregation, our community and the world. We desire to see this group grow as prayer is vital to the life and work of our church. Anyone interested in joining this important ministry is very welcome to join us any Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. 

    If you have a prayer request during the week, please click on this link to fill out a confidential prayer request form.  

    Phone: 302.645.5345 • Fax: 302.645.2743 • E-Mail: lpcprayerleader@gmail.com

  • Mothers Are Always Mothers

    Mothers Are Always Mothers (M.A.A.M.) is a group of women who meet monthly to share, confidentially, concerns regarding adult children with challenges in their lives. We listen and encourage each other with thanks for the blessings we have. If you are interested in learning more about this organization or would like to join, please contact the church office: 

    Phone: 302.645.5345 • Fax: 302.645.2743 • E-Mail: lpchurch@gmail.com

Kelly Class

The Kelly Class of LPC is made up of women who meet together on the 2nd Monday of each month for lunch at local restaurants and a business meeting. The Kelly Class has two yearly fundraisers: a three- day rummage sale in May or June and a one-day Christmas bazaar on the first Saturday in December. These two events are very successful because of the help of many people who donate items to sell, others who help set up and/or come each day to help with manning tables and oversee the sale items during these events. The funds raised by the Kelly Class are distributed to a variety of local needs including the Immanuel Shelter for the homeless, the Community Resource Center, New Coverdale Outreach Ministries in Coverdale Crossroads, hats, gloves, scarves and coats distributed at the Thanksgiving Community dinner, and funding for various projects within LPC. Kelly Class welcomes new members. If you are interested in more information or would like to join this group, please contact Lyn Traxler, President or Brenda Keith, Vice-President at the church office.

Phone: 302.645.5345 • Fax: 302.645.2743 • E-Mail: lpchurch@gmail.com

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