From 1923 through 2017 Lewes Presbyterian Church had four pastors, one interim, and an associate pastor to guide us in our worship and in growing our faith.
Reverend William Leishman
Reverend James Arlen Mays
Reverend John Burton Shaw
Reverend DeWitte Holland
1990-1992 (Interim)
Reverend Harry W. Hughes
Reverend Hilary Livingston
2004-2009 (Associate)
For our newer members, our church history is shared in two booklets written by long-time members Judy Atkins Roberts and her mother, Elizabeth Russell Atkins. Their writing reflects many of the events and concerns of the church from its beginning and is well worth reading.
The late 1900s saw great change in our town and our congregation. Our small historical fishing village of Lewes by the sea was becoming a favorite place for tourists to visit. As more people retired here, our membership also changed.
DeWitte Holland in his final sermon encouraged the Landed Gentry (Beebe babies and Delawareans) and the Federal Fixers (the new ones in town) to find a way to share their talents in working for the Lord. During the next decade, what was accomplished at LPC was proof that Reverend Holland’s challenge was accomplished.
The year 2002 brought completion of additions to our 170 year old church building with new Sunday school rooms, a Welcome Center and a Fellowship Hall.
New programs emerged. In 2004 our After School Program was started. The Deacons’ Caring Ministry added support groups: Women on Their Own (WOTO) and Mothers are Always Mothers (MAAMs). We added an Associate Pastor, Hilary Livingston, to our staff to work with the Caring Ministry and other programs.
In 2014 Reverend John Gilmore and Denise Barnes came on board as Care Coordinators to enhance the work of
the Deacons’ Caring Ministry.
During Lent of 2006, $38,318 was raised by the congregation to build a school for our sister church in Kananga in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. $5,000 of this was from Mission Committee funds.
In 2007 a fund-raising campaign was held to restore the Sanctuary with the help of a professional fund-raiser. Construction began in June, 2008 and was successfully completed in July, 2009. Our historical 185 year old
building was now in place for us and future generations to worship.
From the early days, we had only one church service but in 1996 an 8:30 service was added. Attendance grew and this service was moved to Fellowship Hall in 2006 as a contemporary service. An 8:00 contemplative service was also added that year.
Since early 2000 we have added Adult Sunday school classes, children’s classes and a variety of Bible studies were offered for men and women during the week. An evening bi-monthly program, Kids for Christ, was started and
attendance has grown each year.
In summary, the accomplishments at LPC could not have been done without God’s blessings and guidance for the many folks who gave of their time to glorify him. This faithfulness shows, like the hymn says, that the faith of our
fathers is living still and will continue as it has since 1692.
Ellie Ziegler